Lovely Bouquet 35 Roses
This stunning bouquet features a carefully arranged collection of 35 fresh and fragrant roses in a variety of colors, including classic reds, soft pinks, pure whites, and more. Each rose is hand-selected for its beauty, freshness, and quality, ensuring that your bouquet will be stunning and long-lasting.
So why wait? Order your lovely bouquet of 35 roses today and let your special someone know just how much you care!
Currently delivering in Dubai.
If you want to add a note, write the message in the comment box below.325.00 د.إ -
Delicate Pink Rose Polymer Clay Earrings
- Handcrafted Polymer clay earrings with floral detail – Pink Roses
- Hypoallergenic stainless steel findings
- Waterproof and lightweight
80.00 د.إ