5 Red Fresh Roses Bouquet
Fresh High Quality Rose Bouquet.
Perfect for any occasion, from anniversaries to declarations of love, the Red Roses Bouquet is a heartfelt gesture that conveys deep emotion and sentiment. presented as a romantic gift or used to adorn a special event, your moments with the Red Roses Bouquet – an embodiment of love, passion, and the enduring beauty of nature.
Currently delivering in Dubai.
If you want to add a note, write the message in the comment box below.50.00 د.إ – 60.00 د.إ -
Square Candle – Amber Oud Musk Scent
– 100% natural soy wax
– Jar is made from gypsum
– Made in Sharjah40.00 د.إ -
Wrap Around Necklace
A cute wrap-around necklace with either a cute rainbow pendant or a beautiful purple pendant
Choose from either of these two beautiful wrap-around necklaces.
180.00 د.إ -
Playful T-shirt
Custom design toddler t-shirt. Each design depicts the playful nature of a growing toddler.
Perfect for your little one who enjoys playful activities!
84.29 د.إ -
4 Wooden Coaster Set with Madubani Motifs
4 Wooden Coaster Set with Madhubani Motifs
Aesthetically pleasing and perfect for gifting, our 4-piece wooden coaster set features hand-painted Madhubani motifs. Durable and stylish, these coasters protect surfaces while enhancing home decor with traditional art.
50.00 د.إ -
Crystal Shaped Candle Holder – Green Resin
Fun and fresh way to upgrade your candle setup, the resin reflects as if it is really a crystal, heat proof; sturdy – not easily broken
40.00 د.إ -
English Alphabet Brooch pin – Letter M
English Alphabet Brooch pin, Letter M.
Fashion Hand embroidered brooch, can be pinned or stitched, or pasted on any type of garment, unisex and stylish, looks great on denim jacket or sweatshirt, and is great for gifting.
24.50 د.إ -
Light Pink Square Candle- Baby Powder Scent
– 100% natural soy wax
– Jar is made from gypsum
– Made in Sharjah40.00 د.إ -
Tropical – Acrylic Painting
Hand painted original – Acrylic painting on 40x50cm canvas showcasing tropical vibes of a melon green background and afro woman in bikini blending with the background
950.00 د.إ1,300.00 د.إ