5 Red Fresh Roses Bouquet
Fresh High Quality Rose Bouquet.
Perfect for any occasion, from anniversaries to declarations of love, the Red Roses Bouquet is a heartfelt gesture that conveys deep emotion and sentiment. presented as a romantic gift or used to adorn a special event, your moments with the Red Roses Bouquet – an embodiment of love, passion, and the enduring beauty of nature.
Currently delivering in Dubai.
If you want to add a note, write the message in the comment box below.50.00 د.إ – 60.00 د.إ -
Personalized Baptism Candle Set
Personalized Baptism Candle Set – Our Candles are non-toxic
Includes 1 big candle + 4 small candles
Mark the spiritual journey of baptism with our exquisite Personalized Baptism Candle Set, featuring one large centerpiece candle and four smaller candles. Crafted with care, each candle is adorned with a personalized touch, displaying the name and date of the blessed occasion. The path of faith with our Personalized Baptism Candle Set – a beautiful blend of tradition, personalization, and spiritual significance.Enter the Name, Date, and Church place in the Comment Box Below.
168.00 د.إ -
Heishi, Agate, Pearl & Crystal Necklace
Dare to dazzle with our fashion layered necklace, a colorful piece adorned with Heishi Beads, sparkling Crystals, elegant Agate, lustrous pearl and beautiful Hematite.!اضيفي دفقة من الألوان إلي خزانتك
كوني جريئة ومتألقة مع هذا العقد المتعدد الطبقات الملونة من خرز الهايشي والكريستال والعقيق واللؤلؤ والهيماتيت.135.00 د.إ -
Gold Plated Stainless Steel Ring
Elegance meets durability with our gold plated stainless steel ring. Make a statement that lasts.
Ring Size: 6 US / 12 CN / 16.51 mm
Please use any Ring Size application on the App Store to find your ring size
Ring Sizer by Jason Withers
Ring Size Finder.الأناقة تلتقي بالصلابة مع خاتمنا المطلي بالذهب من الستانلس ستيل المقاوم للصدأ. اتركي تأثيراً يدوم
6 US / 12 CN / 16.51 mm :مقاس الخاتم
فضلاً قومي باستخدام أي تطبيق علي أپل ستور لمعرفة مقاس خاتمك
أمثلة للتطبيقات:
Ring Sizer by Jason Withers
Ring Size Finder100.00 د.إ -
Big Fridge Magnet with Shells of the UAE
Big Fridge Magnet with Shells of the UAE
Dimensions: 10 cm (3.93″) in diameter
80.00 د.إ100.00 د.إ -
Fridge Magnet with Wavy Golden Texture and Shells of the UAE
Fridge magnet with wavy texture covered with golden paint, and shells of the UAE
Dimensions: 10 cm (3.93″) in diameter
70.00 د.إ100.00 د.إ -
Fridge Magnet with a Sandy Golden Texture and Shells of the UAE
Fridge magnet with a sandy texture covered with golden paint, and shells of the UAE
Dimensions: 10 cm (3.93″) in diameter
70.00 د.إ100.00 د.إ -
In her mind
Hand-painted acrylic on canvas 40*50 cm
The painting depicts a solitary woman’s figure, elegantly poised and outlined in bold, confident lines, serving as a signpost against a backdrop of subdued hues. Her silhouette exudes a poised demeanor, with her posture conveying a sense of grace and composure. However, what distinguishes this portrayal is the subtle yet profound contrast between the external facade and the inner world of the subject.
650.00 د.إ -
Agate, Glass & Hematite Stretch Bracelet Set
These vibrant and versatile colored Agate, Glass & Hematite stretch bracelets are designed to be stacked, mixed and matched to create your own unique style. Made with the finest materials, they add a pop of color, elegance, and positive energy to any ensemble.
ارتدي هذه الأساور المطاطية الملونة المكونة من ٣ قطع من العقيق الملون المزين بالخرز الزجاجي والهيماتيت معًا لتضيفي دفقة من الألوان ولمسة من الأناقة والطاقة الإيجابية إلى أي طقم في خزانتك
60.00 د.إ